Update (28/05/08) - Thanks to everyone who took part in the blog-a-thon last week. It was a great laugh, and I received some wonderful feedback (not to mention my first ever hate-mail - yay) from people all over the world. Blog-a-thon Hotwash and Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull review coming soon. Laters.
24/05/08 -
- Drake Lelane knows the score.
- The Mad Hatter reviews Kingdom of the Crystal Skull.
23/05/2008 -
- Jim Emerson puts The Temple of Doom in its historical context.
- An introspective look at the films by Rob Humanick.
22/05/2008 (Enjoy the film, folks) -
- David Gaffen's masterly dissection at Edward Copeland on Film of a crucial action scene in Raiders.
21/05/2008 -
- Mystery Man on Film on the Road to Indy 4 (not really a part of the blog-a-thon, but there we go).
20/05/2008 -
- Dreamrot also loves Short Round. Two paeans to Short Round in one day: Lord, I love the internets.
- Peet Gelderblom knows exactly what Georgie Boy likes...
19/05/2008 -
18/05/2008 -
17/05/2008 -
16/05/2008 -
Okay Ali, I've put mine up. Hope you like it. Thanks for hosting this.
Just an F.Y.I - I probably have a couple of simpler, more cheerful posts up for this before the blogathon's over.
Awesome, Jonathan. Can't wait to read them, too.
Hey there,
Here's my entry:
Thanks for posting my blog Ali! I'm looking forward to reading everyone else's posts!
I put up another post - Concept art and a few questions of choice.
I just wrote up a little post on TEMPLE OF DOOM a week or so ago.
Great writings all!
Here's Muck Muckson and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull. Hope you dig.
I've just finished a Yesterday's Hits column on Temple of Doom for The Screengrab. It'll post Tuesday afternoon at 3 PM.
Hey Ali
Just put up my contribution:
In praise of Mr. Round
Here's my contribution
Thanks, guys. Appreciated.
Here is my contrbution, Ali.
Great blog-a-thon BTW. :)
Here's my contribution:
Love the dual Short Round appreciations.
Good turnout. Here's my contribution:
One more from me. I'm crazy!
Raiders of the Lost Ark popular among box historians
Just got back form a midnight screening. Liked it, didn't love it, going back again today for a better opinion.
The Blog-a-Thon was a fabulous idea, and I wish I'd found out about it sooner so I could have contributed. All great pieces though.
Saw I4 last night and quite enjoyed it. Here's my review...
White Americans will watch another "Indiana Jones" film tomorrow which follows the exploits of a celebrated grave-robber and destroyer of indigenous cultures. These films consistency portray people of colour in an insensitive fashion and are filled with historical inaccuracies. The white man stole knowledge from Africa and destroyed the great library at Alexandria to hide his crimes. Now he makes films celebrating this kind of thievery.
I saw CRYSTAL SKULLS last night and I was deeply dissappointed. While the action is still superbly directed, it was just such an empty exercise. No sir. I don't like it.
You're quite stupid.
Hey - I've enjoyed the bejesus out of the Indy blog-a-thon. My review of Indy 4 is here:
Not even John Williams score could save this one:
Yeah, Williams score was the only thing I could bring myself to write about:
John Williams and the Crystal Skull Persuasion
This has been a great collection!
whew...i hoped to get this pounded out earlier, but only finished rewatching the third film last night.
My post is here: http://www.strangecultureblog.com/2008/05/quality-80s-part-xii-special-indiana.html
This is the most intellectually insulting film since Blair Witch Project. The prior films pushed credibility with the adventure but this fourth film is simply ludicrous. The historical information (to the extent there is any) is plain wrong. For example, Indy says that the Egyptians were sunworshippers which is simply dead wrong.
I think they should refund the money spent on this film as it was a complete scam...
Hey. I'm hosting a film blog-a-thon on my site:
If you could post a link to it on your site that would be awesome. And feel free to participate!
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